Popular cheap Flights from Ho Chi Minh to DaNang

Guide Vietnam is pleased to offer you flight schedule on Vietnam Airlines which has 4 daily flight from Ho Chi Minh to Danang. The average flight time is 1 hour(s) and 10 minutes. The normal one way fare is USD 78.

Flights between Ho chi minh City - DaNang

Popular cheap Flight from Ho Chi Minh City to Phuquoc

Airfare flight from Ho Chi Minh to Phuquoc on Vietnam from $206 round trip

Did You Know?

Vietnam has the most nonstop flights between Ho Chi Minh City to Phuquoc, VN.
12 flights per week fly out of Ho Chi Minh City, VN connecting to Phuquoc, VN
The smallest aircraft operated by Pantanal flying between Ho Chi Minh City, VN and Phuquoc, VN is a BE9 with 15 seats.
The shortest flight between Ho Chi Minh City, VN and Phuquoc, VN on Pantanal is 186 miles.
2 airlines operate between Ho Chi Minh City, VN and Phuquoc, VN
The largest aircraft operated by Pantanal flying between Ho Chi Minh City, VN and Phuquoc, VN is a BE9 with 15 seats.
Pantanal has 2 nonstop flights between Ho Chi Minh City, VN and Phuquoc, VN.
670 seats are available per day to fly out of Ho Chi Minh City, VN connecting to Phuquoc, VN