Cheap flights from Ho Chi Minh City Da Nang

Flight ticket to Ho Chi Minh City - Da Nang
Welcome to the Bravofly site! If you are here, it’s because you are looking for a low cost flight from Ho Chi Minh to Da Nang, fill in the search form on the flight search engine correctly, we know we have what you are looking for. Once you have found your flight Ho Chi Minh City-Da Nang, organise the rest of your trip. On Bravofly you can book a car, your room in Da Nang and a tourist guide to Da Nang to find out what there is to see as well as your flight. If you are not sure where to go on holiday, let yourself by guided by our flight offers to Da Nang from Ho Chi Minh City, if you don’t have set dates, the results will help you make up your mind. Every flight booked on Bravofly has our Scacciapensieri insurance which we have arranged for you at no extra cost with EuroAssistance, an insurance company specialising in the tourist industry. If you travel a lot and need a practical, reliable tool with you on your trips, download the Bravofly iPhone app - you will find it unbelievably useful.

Popular Flights from Da Nang to Ho Chi Minh City

Airfare from Da Nang to Ho Chi Minh City on Jetstar Pacific from $105 round trip
Airfare from Da Nang to Ho Chi Minh City on Vietnam from $406 round trip

Did You Know?

Jetstar Pacific has 4 nonstop flights between Da Nang, VN and Ho Chi Minh City, VN.
3 airlines operate between Da Nang, VN and Ho Chi Minh City, VN
The shortest flight between Da Nang, VN and Ho Chi Minh City, VN on Pantanal is 374 miles.
The largest aircraft operated by China E flying between Da Nang, VN and Ho Chi Minh City, VN is a 32S with 182 seats.
32 flights per week fly out of Da Nang, VN connecting to Ho Chi Minh City, VN
18,994 seats are available per day to fly out of Da Nang, VN connecting to Ho Chi Minh City, VN
Vietnam has the most nonstop flights between Da Nang, VN and Ho Chi Minh City, VN.
The smallest aircraft operated by Jetstar Pacific flying between Da Nang, VN and Ho Chi Minh City, VN is a 737 with 170 seats.